About Us

Who are we?
Official Reseller - The authorized reseller for numerous products in the countries - India, the United States Of America (U.S.A), the United Kingdom (U.K), Germany, and Switzerland. Our base location is in Hyderabad - India.

Why we?
Purchasing from an authorized reseller is the safest way to purchase any product. Our prices are the most reliable and lowest in all over the world. We are also providing a bundle of professional services to our valued customers. We have our professional software engineers and programmers who are working on the development of OfficialReseller.com the website. We have developed our Client Area with many advanced features. These features will help the customers reduce time-consuming tasks and manage their purchased products easily. We have our own automatic email notification system which alerts the customers. Our website has no advertisements and is designed in a way that is very easy to navigate and simple to understand without any confusion.

Our Support
We have a 100% customer satisfaction record. And it is our prime responsibility to keep it up to the mark. To enhance and enrich the relationship with our customers with a quicker response and prompt solution, we have opted for the best professional Tech support team through Live Support. Customers can chat about their products and get instant solutions as per their needs. Guests can use the Contact Us page to get in touch with us. We do have a 24x7 Phone line support as well. Our phone line is active throughout the day to help our customers.